First of all my wishlist:

Some of the galleries with interesting postcards from my collection. Click on the picture to see them.
If you have a postcard that matches my collection - contact me, I will gladly exchange.
Cheshire Cat
The Fox from the Little Prince
Maps of public transportation lines
Country-shaped postcards
Puzzle postcards |
Crayons, coulored pencils
Children painted by Danuta Muszyńska-Zamorska
Children painted by various artists
Postcard from a place of a special geographical interest
Castles of...
Behemoth the Cat
My Zodiac sign - Cancer |
Pallas's cat manul
... by night
Maps of Polish voivodeships designed by S. Ratajski
Coats of arms of Polish cities designed by M. Gumowski
Poppies and violets
Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf
Truffle the Cat
Animals painted by J. Grabiański
Visions of nature